Sunday, September 17, 2023

Amazingly decodable spots from a QDX transmitter, displayed in WSPR Watch

During the beta phase of iOS 17, which will be released in a day or two, I've been working on a re-write of my iOS app "WSPR Watch" using Apple's fantastic SwiftUI framework. While the re-written app loses a few features of the old version, one big improvement is to how it appears on an iPad.

Highly successful WSPR receiver, Phil, VK7JJ now looks like this on the iPad:

(Click the image for an enlarged version). Now that my radio shack is battery powered (with solar charging), I thought it wise to run something that draws less current than an IC-7300 for full time WSPR operation so I set up the QDX. I think it's not quite as good a receiver as the Icom but there's no doubt that the clean signal it transmits is superior, at least in terms of the number of stations that decode my WSPR signals.

Operating on 20m, just now at dusk, my 4.7W transmission was reported by 168 stations which is pretty good given that I'm in country Victoria and not in the middle or Europe or whatever.

The new version of WSPR Watch is scheduled for release on 18 September, just after iOS 17. It is compatible with iOS 16 but I know there are some users who won't be able to update as they run older devices. They can keep running the old version but I must move on and adopt new technology.


Robbie said...

I just updated my iPad - the new WSPR Watch looks great!

Peter Marks said...

I'm happy to hear that.