The key feature I need is that whatever I use remembers what I've read and can be accessed from multiple devices that stay in sync.
When Reader went away I subscribed to FeedWrangler which works well but lacks a decent web interface so must be accessed from a macOS or iOS app such as Reeder.
Recently I've installed Tiny Tiny RSS, also known as tt-rss on a Fedora linux computer in my home network. The installation guide is good but I ran into a few things that were not right on Fedora 25.
I chose to use mariaDB (mysql clone) as the database although they recommend Postgresql.
From memory, the issues I encountered were:
- PHP couldn't connect to the database due to secure linux.
- httpd couldn't write to the tt-rss web directory for config and cache writing. Needed # setsebool -P httpd_unified on
- The name of the mysql driver for php is different, I needed # dnf install php-mysqlnd
- # dnf install php-pdo php-gd php-mbstring php-common php-apc
To get my feeds imported, I exported the OPML file from FeedWrangler and imported it into tt-rss by going to Actions, Preferences, Feeds tab and there's a long horizontal panel called OPML that's a button for choosing the file to import.
The user interface is nice and clean and I particularly like how it responds to up and down arrow keys to roll through the stories in the scrolling panel.
The user interface is nice and clean and I particularly like how it responds to up and down arrow keys to roll through the stories in the scrolling panel.
Updating feeds
The authors suggest leaving a process running to do the updates (it sleeps periodically) but I prefer a cron job as follows:
*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/tt-rss/update.php --feeds --quiet
Anyway, so far I like it a lot and my plan is to eventually move it to a virtual server in the cloud. It looks like you can aggregate all of your unread items into a new feed and presumably read that from an app while out - this could possibly replace the commercial service I'm using at the moment.
The Old Reader is a wonderful alternative if you're looking to avoid running your own hardware. Decent free version and it's modeled nearly feature for feature after Google Reader.
Feedly is working for me --Tony
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