Saturday, October 31, 2009

Talk: GeoDjango with Google Maps

Screen shot 2009-10-31 at 6.34.33 AM.pngOn Thursday, November 5 2009, I'll be presenting at the Sydney Python group SyPy.

SyPy Nov 5th: "Using GeoDjango with Google Maps" - Peter Marks

GeoDjango is the GIS branch of the Python Web Framework Django. It aspires to be a world-class geographic web framework. The project goal is to make it as easy as possible to build GIS web applications and harness the power of spatially enabled data.

Peter will:

  • Give some background on the GeoDjango face of Django

  • Demonstrate a simple mapping application that overlays a Google map with markers, polylines and polygons

  • What you get for free - GeoAdmin with OpenStreetMap

  • Software dependancies: GEOS, GDAL, and PROJ.4

  • Geo enabling your

  • Discuss using MySQL as the spatial database and the short-cuts they've taken so far...

  • Talk about performance:

    • loading just the visible overlays

    • using json for mapping

  • Show a real application

*RSVP: Please RSVP on Anyvite to get your name on the door*

Time: 6:30PM (for a 6:45pm start) - 7:45PM (then pub after)

Getting There: It's a 10min walk from Town Hall station over the pyrmont bridge (directions) or catch the light rail to the casino station.

Go to level 5 or if the doors are locked wait outside and look for smiley happy google people to let you in.

NB. Snacks are provided by google and we also go to a pub afterwards that has dinner available.

Andy Todd will be the man in control. Also a big thanks to Google for hosting us again.

The slides are available via SydneyPython.

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