The PHP application was built on a framework called CodeIgniter which looks very good shares many similarities with Django but the stuff that Django gives me "for free" is great. I personally prefer Python to PHP which helps of course.
As we move through UAT towards production I've been anxiously tracking the progress of version 1.1. Today the outstanding bug list is down to three. (And one seems pretty trivial).
The main feature I'm itching for is aggregate functions in the ORM, the other is the ability to do actions to multiple objects in admin - like delete multiple.
Yes, I could install the latest from Subversion but that's not a good thing for future support, mind you we all ran version 0.96 for ages.
Keep up the great work Django developers, and how about another podcast?
Kevin here from TWiD - thanks for the podcast link mention.
We are actually working on a new project called Django Dose which will feature all the goodness from TWiD and more. Follow updates via our @djangodose Twitter account as we prepare to launch.
As for 1.1 - I think we're all very excited and thankful to the huge effort everyone in the community and core devs are putting forth to get it out the door.
Wow. You must be reading the whole internet really closely. Thanks Kevin.
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