Saturday, September 17, 2022

mcHF transceiver shown by David VK3DKR

David, VK3DKR, brought along the compact home built mcHF transceiver to the latest Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio club meeting today.

The radio is impressive and David reports excellent receiver performance and good reports of the transmissions when used on SOTA activations. Here's a brief snippet:

The amazingly good reception with just a clip lead antenna can be explained...

I used a HackRF to record a slab of the 40m band during the recent RD contest on my home antenna and then played back that recording into a whip antenna for David to receive.


hackrf_transfer -r capture  -f 7037000 -l 40


hackrf_transfer -t capture -f 7037000 -x 47 -R

On playback, the -x turns up the transmit power and the -R makes it loop when it reaches the end of the IQ recording. Note that the files get big quickly and my recording was over 3GB.

This is a terrific way to demonstrate a receiver when there isn't a good antenna available. 

Incidentally, my sincere thanks to David for thoughtfully bringing along a few J310 FETs which I mentioned on our club net I was waiting for. Very kind of you!

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