VK3ASE runs a very professional operation which transmits high quality AM on 160m and 80m often on Saturday nights.

Dave has a full studio full of ex-ABC equipment including a desk I used to use myself many years ago. His transmitter for 80m includes an exciter he built with a 6V6 driving an 807.

We had a great chat and although my first home built HF transmitter puts out just 0.25W, Dave was very encouraging and suggested that a 1940s radio handbook might be all that's required.
Later I caught up for coffee at Cafe Bagatelles with Paul ex VK3BEK and Ross T61AA and VK1UN who operates out of Afghanistan on 2 and 6m moonbounce.
Here's Ross:

And here's Paul, who currently transmits on big power TV throughout Victoria but really needs to string up an HF antenna of some sort...

I've known these guys for a quarter of a century and it's great to see that everyone is going well.
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