Chatted to lots of people, had a good look at the exhibits, bought a few bits and pieces. Here's a photo tour for those that couldn't make it to Coffs Harbour this year.
Here's the nice lady who takes your $5.
Lots of displays around the walls and down the centre of the hall.
Lee Andrews had an excellent range available. I bought a co-ax switch.
Bushcom had HF whips on display.
A great display of home brew equipment.
Not sure who was on this desk.
Valves for sale.
VK4ICE imports some nice portable whips, I bought a pluggable 80m-6m whip for $119.
Very nice chaps.
The SES folks were very friendly and showed me the HF AM radios that are still in use by some.
Some tempting second hand gear at good prices.
A terrific display of Elecraft gear.
Including the tempting KX1.
VK2TOM had some rubidium frequency standards for sale.
The WIA was there, but the only book on display was the 2009 Callbook, so I bought one of those.
An extensive display of vintage radios.
The pedal from a pedal powered radio.
Just to show my wife, there really are other people with call signs embroidered into hats.
Foxhunt gear.
This sniffer from VK3YNG looks very nice.
Outside a very solid portable tower was on display.
I met and had a great chat with George VK4FGHT.
Thanks to everyone who organised this and put in so much effort to make it all happen on the day.
The weather was great despite being too hot and then too wet in the days leading up to the big event.
Ham radio is a wonderful hobby and I enjoy meeting other enthusiasts very much.
Finally here's me in my new hat that has the family most amused.
See you next year.
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