Sunday, October 09, 2016

Local ham radio activity

Yesterday I saw a very strong signal on 20m and had a contact with Laurie, VK2GZ who lives near by. He mentioned that he'd be activating local Garigal National Park this morning as part of the World Wide Flora & Fauna VKFF. I couldn't resist dropping in.

It was great to meet Laurie along with Grant, VK2GEL, who were operating a KX2 into an end fed antenna.

Oddly the park ranger came by and said that they were not allowed to hang the antenna from any tree without a permit!

Thank you gentlemen for introducing me to this very pleasant activity.

That's Laurie operating the KX2 from the vehicle. Below is Grant and Laurie with the end fed antenna not touching any trees...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I worked both Grant and Laurie on 40m SSB from Mt Stromlo, a SOTA peak in Canberra. Great to see photos of both operators. I trust Laurie made a few CW contacts.

73, Andrew VK1AD