Here's Tim, VK2ZTM:
And Peter, VK2EMU:
Peter showed a neat idea for testing toroid cores without needing a non-50 ohm dummy load, he made a step down and step up pair:
Graham, VK2GRA, showed his excellent work with a 9m squid pole used as an HF vertical with tape measures as non-resonant counterpoises:
But the star of the day was Bob Mutton VK2ZRM showed his fantastic work on a high power solid state linear amplifier:
One of the many interesting things is the ARF463 A and B which are a matched pair but with different pin outs designed for push pull operation while earthing the source on each.
I had to rush off to a family function but happily the dog hadn't got the apple pie by the time I arrived.
Myles VK6ZRY I recognise the 50 Watt dummy load, I have quite a few ex Mobile racks (GSM).
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