Friday, March 21, 2025

First sideband contact on a QRP-Labs QMX

The much anticipated wait for the amazing software update to the QRP-Labs pocket radio, the QMX, is out in beta. Today I installed the third release and called CQ from my location in central Victoria. Dave, VK7DD in Northern Tasmania responded and gave me up to a 57.

The radio is sure to be popular with portable operators. It must be one of the tiniest SSB transceivers available.

Reports of my transmit audio are good and as you can hear in this clip, reception quality is beautiful.

Hans has a page about the beta software and as you'll see it's been a huge project for him. 

The microphone plugs in to the paddle port and is wired with PTT on the tip and audio on the ring. I had several mics around from Xeigu radios and they have the connections the other way but it wasn't hard to swap one over.

I found that extra audio gain was needed but this is easily adjusted via the serial terminal interface or built-in menu.

Even without SSB capability the QMX is a fantastic transceiver for FSK digital modes (and CW) but now it can do modes that need SSB such as PSK31.

Fantastic work from QRP-Labs!

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