Monday, September 11, 2023

Shepparton HamFest was excellent

On Sunday I drove two hours to get to the Shepparton Hamfest. A little tiring but an excellent show that was both well attended and had lots to see and possibly buy.

VK3ZYZ had a display of his Arduino based VFOs which he sells as kits but also has built into radios including Codans and even an IC-22 (that brought back fond memories).

There's information and source code available via the SADARC website projects page. The club also has excellent forums with more discussion and information.

I came away with just a few parts including these nice honeycomb trimmer capacitors. 

It was great to catch up with radio friends including VK3EB, VK3ASE, VK3NE and VK3CCR (the last two from the Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club). Warm congratulations to the Shepparton organisers for a fantastic day.

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