Thursday, September 19, 2024

Radio Old Timers Club AGM

The Radio Old Timers Club annual general meeting and lunch was well attended by members of MRARC. Peter VK3RV, Jen VK3WQ, Ray VK3ACR and Peter VK3TPM attended. Old friends Nigel VK3DZ and Peter VK3YPG were also there. 

First the meeting kicked off with the annual general meeting which was conducted efficiently by Jim Gordon VK3ZKK with some members on Zoom.

Next a hearty lunch was served.

Mick VK3CH gave a detailed presentation about microwave operation.

Lots of gear was on hand but unfortunately wasn't turned on.

Don VK3BIG brought along what must surely be a new disruptive technology that could spell the end of FM radio - an AM stereo receiver.

Wonders will never cease! Nigel, VK3DZ is clearly boggled by this advancement.

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