Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Secret Life of the Radio

Thanks to Lindsay, VK3GX, for bringing this wonderful BBC program to my attention. The team shows the development of radio and makes various transmitters and receivers. They build a coherer and demonstrate it for example.

Keep watching after the end credits for some comments from the presenter.

Incidentally, the cartoon depiction of Marconi's home are quite accurate. I visited it some years ago.

1 comment:

  1. I really loved this video and am so glad they re-mastered it. The build of the spark-coherer set was simply brilliant, as was the demo on the Bounmouth pier. This led us into a close look at the coherer as a possible detector. Maybe OK for the Bournmouth pier to land, but not so sure if it would span the Atlantic. Marconi may have had a better detector for that contact! 73 Bill N2CQR
