Thursday, June 06, 2024

A nice review of WSPR Watch in German magazine FUNK Amateur

My thanks to Stephen Rapley, VK2RH, for passing on this review of ham radio software that gave my WSPR Watch app a high rating. 

It's in the latest June issue of German amateur radio magazine FUNK amateur.

Translating the text with Google Translate I get:

"Who can hear me? Where can I be heard? Who can I receive? These questions can be answered with the WSPRwatch app. Your own reception reports and those of other stations can be displayed in a list, on a map, Figure 1, or as a graphical evaluation. However, the information does not only come from WSPRnet, as the name suggests. Timebase DB, Reverse Beacon Network and PSK Reporter can also be selected as data sources.

Users have a wide range of setting and filtering options at their disposal.

The data can be exported in CSV format for other applications. 

Linking the app to your own account adds further information to the spots displayed, such as the name and exact location of the call sign owner."

Stephen added "You appear at the top of a list of apps ranked by “Nutzerbewertung”! (User ratings)."

Thanks again Stephen.

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