Saturday, May 26, 2012

One more thing conference 2012 in Melbourne

Today I've had the pleasure of attending the One more thing conference in Melbourne.

I can't praise the organisers highly enough, the conference was well run, well designed and the speakers represented a galaxy of stars from the ranks of successful iOS developers around the globe including Flipboard, Tapatalk, ShipFinder, Pano, Trainyard, Calvetica, Doodle Jump, Elements and others.

Much of the discussion was about gaming the App store and dealing with the inconsistent Apple review process. Clearly the store, while extremely successful, is broken in important ways.

I came out of the day inspired, motivated and informed. Many of the developers gave valuable real data about their earnings, what worked and more valuably what didn't.

See you next year.


  1. will this event be repeated next year?

  2. I think they lost money but seemed keen to have another shot.
