Wednesday, February 26, 2025

On the cover of Rolling Stone!

Regular readers will know that I'm a big fan to the SolderSmoke blog and podcast. Inspired by their recent direct conversion receiver challenge I built the receiver. It did not go smoothly and in retrospect that's good as I learned many valuable lessons along the way.

After the success of the receiver, it's not a big leap to make a double sideband transmitter. I built one for 80m using some circuits described by Peter VK3YE and Drew VK3XU. It went amazingly well and last Wednesday I called in to two 80m nets and got good reports. My audio was described as "highly fidelic" and a glance at an SDR showed that my audio bandwidth was over 10kHz (and because of double-sideband twice that). Bad boy!

Along the way, I made videos of the receiver and transmitter, including audio sent in of my signal received in Tasmania and Bill posted a nice item about it all on his blog.

I would be calling for Bill and Dean to grace the cover of Time Magazine but that may not be a positive thing any more. 

Now I'm worried that he'll have a link to this post which links back to his post and this could cause internet feedback.

Thanks Bill.

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