Friday, February 14, 2025

Double sideband is back (well, maybe)

There has been some discussion on the Soldersmoke direct conversion receiver Discord chat area about a possible next project for builders who have got the circuit (as described) going. One idea that comes to mind is to re-use the VFO and perhaps the diode ring mixer and make a double sideband transmitter.

On Wednesday I participated in the excellent Northern Tasmania Amateur Radio Club's tech net on Wednesday and was entranced to see VK3DGE was running double sideband. (7:30pm on 3567).

It sounds a little bit funky but fully readable to me. He mentioned he's using a home brew amplifier but didn't mention anything about the exciter.


  1. Wow, Peter, the Northern Tasmania Tech Net sounds like a very cool group. Yes, DSB works well, but only if the other station is using a SINGLE sideband receiver. It seems unfair, but a DSB signal is not demodulated well in a Direct Conversion receiver. But don't worry about this. The odds of a DSB transmitter being received on the air by a Direct Conversion receiver are sadly very low. Most SSB guys will not know you are transmitting DSB until you tell them. I had great fun with this! 73 Bill Hi7/N2CQR

  2. For more info on the difficulty of receiving DSB on a DC receiver see:

    Life is unfair!
