Saturday, March 12, 2016

WSPR via WSJTX on Raspberry Pi 3

My thanks to Ross, VK1UN, for the following instructions which allow the easy installation of WSJTX on a Raspberry Pi 3 (and earlier is no doubt fine too) running Rasparian.

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 862549F9
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following to the end of the sources.list file:

deb trusty main

Ctrl-X to save and exit.

sudo apt-get update # important
sudo apt-get install wsjtx

Then just run from the command line the first time to see any errors, after that run it from the Ham Radio applications menu.

I'm running a SignaLink USB interface and controlling an FT-817 via Hamlib. It correctly found the audio interface on first run.

Here it is sitting on top of the PC tower it has replaced.


  1. Nice article, it inspired me to try once again and was able to get the RPI-3 working. Thanks
    de nc7u

  2. Do you have any information about sound card usage?

  3. Seems to work ok on a RPi 3 but how do you change the sub modes in JT4 ?

    Cheers John

  4. You write

    I'm running a SignaLink USB interface and controlling an FT-817 via Hamlib. It correctly found the audio interface on first run.

    I am trying to link my Rasperry Pi3B with WSJTX running well with the Signallink USB. I can receive data (JT65), but the Pi3 will not transmit data via the Signalink so that it can get to my TS450 (Kennwoord).

    How did you identify the proper Input and Output data to select in the WSJTX Menu that will do the trick?

    73, Klaus
