Sunday, February 28, 2016

Beautiful day at the Wyong field day 2016

This year was a perfect day for the annual Wyong field day.

Rowetel had a table this year showing FreeDV and the SM1000s were selling like hot cakes.

Something I hadn't come across before was the excellent (for communications) JRC ST-3 headphones.

The Home Brew Group had a display with amazing work from all including Stephen Vk2BLQ and in the background you can see my tiny crochet loop antenna.

Arduinos and other small computers continue to draw radio folks over to "the dark side" and John VK2ASU showed his serial radio link experiments.

There were lots of great old radios for sale, but I resisted this year.

As always it was great to catch up with many new and old friends including John VK2JPM, William VK2NWB and Nigel who has the very latest in phone technology.

Finally, hidden away at the amateur TV display were some incredible home made - working - valves.

My thanks to the organisers who ran a terrific show again this year. I loved the tea and cheese cubes and experienced a new dish not tried before - sausage on a stick.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Peter for a really nice weekend! Promoting FreeDV and thw SM1000 at the field day was a great experience, and I met some interesting people.

    I only just managed to get home - found out I had booked my return flight for the wrong day! Lucky I had sold a few SM1000s :-)


