Friday, October 18, 2013

The Arts Party


For too many years the political landscape of Australia has lacked a clear voice for the
artists, the lovers of art & culture and the creative industries within Australia. We need to
reprioritise Australian creativity as a fundamental asset of this country.

On Monday 21st October 2013 we are launching The Australian Arts Party to do exactly that.

Driving a broad social and economic platform, the Arts Party aims to transform the political
conversation within the state and federal parliaments of this country, by repositioning
creativity, cultural appreciation and arts in all its many and various forms, as central to the
future of Australian development and wealth creation. We believe the future of Australia
depends on the quality of our ideas even more than the size of our mines.

But to give Australians that voice, we urgently need members. Founding member registration
will occur at, commencing at 6am Monday 21st October 2013. We are
using crowdfunding to launch - an Australian and possibly world first for a political party.

For the next 4 weeks, any Australian can claim a three year founding membership of the Arts
Party for only $20 - a small personal investment to support a richer future for us all.

A quote from PJ Collins, the founding political officer of the Arts Party:
“For too long, I have felt a real lack of recognition and respect for the value Australian
creativity brings to our great country. The last federal election left me, and many of my
friends, more disaffected than ever before with Australian politics. Motoring enthusiasts and
miners now holding the balance of power in our senate - enough is enough! It’s time for
Australians, who believe art and creativity matters, to take a step forward and become
founding members of the Australian Arts Party.”

The Arts Party is a pro-industry, pro-education and pro-training platform. A platform that will
work for every Australian, to encourage and promote our amazing creativity. Art brings us
together. It should be a living part of all our lives.

For more information:
• Website:
• Join: (from 21/10/13)
• Contact: PJ Collins - 0404 116 310
• f: TheArtsParty t: @TheArtsParty #artsparty

I think this is a great idea. Please support it!


  1. Peter - thanks for the heads up. What a fantastic idea. Can't believe no one's thought of it before.
    I'm in!

  2. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Assuming you get the Party off the ground, it sounds to me like yet another tail to wag the dog, fringe groups have the balance of power now, do we really need to over rule the will of the majority yet again?
